of proprietary software
of integrated systems
ARGUS RV-C is a CNBOP-PIB certified integrating system of ARGUS group (see the certification documents). It is designed to control fire protection systems and devices in relevant facilities.
ARGUS RV-C is a fire safety management hardware and software platform, with the software of PSIM class. It guarantees quick and reliable identification and visualisation of threats and fire alarms. It supports fire extinguishing and escape operations and monitors the systems and devices dedicated to ensure safety to people in the event of a fire.
ARGUS RV-C is a CNBOP-PIB certified integrating system of ARGUS group (see the certification documents). It is designed to control fire protection systems and devices in relevant facilities.
ARGUS RV-C is a fire safety management hardware and software platform, with the software of PSIM class. It guarantees quick and reliable identification and visualisation of threats and fire alarms. It supports fire extinguishing and escape operations and monitors the systems and devices dedicated to ensure safety to people in the event of a fire.
Competitive advantage of ARGUS RV-C
ARGUS RV-C is a product developed by Polish engineers and programmers. It was devised and developed based on advanced solutions of SYNDIS RV hardware and ‑software platform (control and supervision system) by Mikronika.
These solutions are commonly used in extensive national power grids and have been verified for efficiency in the long term practical use. This underlies high reliability and stability of the system.
As compared to other similar systems available at present on the market, ARGUS RV-C shows features of a competitive advantage:
- it offers a developed mechanism of communication protection, digital security and software auto control,
- it works in real-time with the resolution of up to 1 ms,
- there are no limitations regarding the number of monitored signals and devices,
- access to the software source code allows for its adaptation to individual requirements of respective facilities.
The CNBOP-PIB approval certificate includes the assembly of basic ARGUS RV-C devices that are composed of supply, communication and security elements:
- SO-5S server cabinet with Argus RV software that works with Windows Server 2016 operating system or higher,
- TO-1S control panel cabinet with a 15”, 17” or 19” touch screen and the client software of Argus RV visualisation application working with Windows 10 operating system or higher,
- SO-55B-KSP interface hub cabinet with software working with Linux system, where 8 on/off DCM-100 input/output modules can be optionally installed,
- cabinets of on/off DCM-100 input/output modules,
- SW-1S network switchboard.
The system is complete, i.e. its components allow for the development of the integrated fire safety management systems without any necessary adaptation of additional non-certified equipment (e.g. servers, switches, etc.).
ARGUS RV-C system can integrate and control fire protection devices in two ways:
- programmed control via communication protocols made available by the manufacturers on the network interfaces or via serial communication,
- hard-wired control via on/off input/output module signals.
Because ARGUS RV-C software comes with all features and full functionalities of ARGUS RV, it can simultaneously integrate all other security systems of respective facilities such as e.g. CCTV, access control system or burglar alarm system.
ARGUS RV-C system can integrate and control fire protection devices in two ways:
- programmed control via communication protocols made available by the manufacturers on the network interfaces or via serial communication,
- hard-wired control via on/off input/output module signals.
Because ARGUS RV-C software comes with all features and full functionalities of ARGUS RV, it can simultaneously integrate all other security systems of respective facilities such as e.g. CCTV, access control system or burglar alarm system.
Programmed integration and control of fire protection devices
Programmed integration and control of fire alarm panels can be achieved directly via communication processes of SO-5S server, TO-1S control panel or SO-55B-KSP hub with the use of various communication interfaces (Ethernet, RS-232, RS-485, RS-422).
Because manufacturers of various models of control panels (fire alarm, smoke venting, fire extinguishing etc.) use a wide range of largely different solutions and functionalities of the communication protocols offered, the number of the monitoring and control signals, their types and manner of the control panel connection (directly with the server, with the operator control panel or via a hub) shall be individually agreed in view of technical possibilities.
Hard-wired integration and control of fire protection devices
Owing to the use of Modbus RTU protocol, hard-wired control and monitoring of automatic fire suppression systems can be achieved via on/off DCM-100 input/output modules that work with SO-55B-KSP hub.
This way is used for direct connections with devices and control panels that are not provided with appropriate communication interface.
It is also often applied in the programmed integration to transmit collective alarm signals from respective fire zones to the integrating system, to manage smoke venting operations and to enforce changes in the fire-fighting scenario, thus, increasing the safety of the entire system.
ARGUS RV system is provided with advanced digital security mechanisms, which limit to the maximum the risk of any external interference.
The advanced digital security mechanisms in particular include:
- encryption,
- hardening,
- multi-level structure of securities and validation of security certificates.
Protection of the transmitted data is an important part of any security system. Communication is based on DNP3 and IEC-104 secure protocols and data encryption with the use of a standard TLS protocol.
Owing to additional securities responsive to any fault events, in the form of the backup copies, this system is one of the least susceptible to data loss.
ARGUS RV system is provided with advanced digital security mechanisms, which limit to the maximum the risk of any external interference.
The advanced digital security mechanisms in particular include:
- encryption,
- hardening,
- multi-level structure of securities and validation of security certificates.
Protection of the transmitted data is an important part of any security system. Communication is based on DNP3 and IEC-104 secure protocols and data encryption with the use of a standard TLS protocol.
Owing to additional securities responsive to any fault events, in the form of the backup copies, this system is one of the least susceptible to data loss.
An important element of ARGUS RV-C system is SO-55B-KSP hub, which is a specialised modular controller with the software working with the Linux system.
It is provided with the Ethernet TCP/IP serial network interfaces and RS‑232/485/422 serial ports, used for the communication with the integrated fire protection devices and system messages. It also manages the on/off DCM-100 input/output modules designed for the hard-wired connections with automatic fire suppression systems.
Operating software of the hub is fully integrated with the ARGUS RV-C server software via the Ethernet TCP/IP network. Data is exchanged via DNP3 or IEC-104 secure protocols that use data encryption.
The hub software may configure independent data buffers for each ARGUS RV server application. This underlines an option of creating advanced multi-server structures. If there is no communication with a given server, the data concerning the events in a given facility is stored in a respective buffer of the hub. Once the communication resumes, the data is automatically transmitted to the server application. Communication disruption with one of the servers has no impact on communication with the other servers.
„Cyber security” solutions
„Cyber security” solutions in a hub are based on recommendations stemming from ENISA, NIST, BDEW, BlueCrypt, and the implemented security solutions comply with PN-EN 62351, IEEE P1686, PN‑ISO/IEC 27001, BDEW White Paper „Requirement for Secure Control and Telecommunication Systems". To ensure the security of servers and workstations, relevant protection mechanisms available in Windows operating system are used.
Managing the access rights of the operators is an element of key importance for the system security.
Functions of the ARGUS RV-C software are available once the operator has prior correctly logged in (by providing their unique ID and password). Access to individual functions is conditioned on the separate rights granted by the system administrator. To limit any possibilities of access by unauthorised persons, the system is provided with embedded functions enforcing a periodical password change in compliance with the password creation rules - minimum length.
All the operations undertaken by an operator are recorded in the event log. This underlies full traceability of the system operation. The traceability is additionally supported with a unique mechanism of the discharge of duties between the operators finishing and starting their work shifts, where the status of completion of duties/operations is registered and visually recorded as at the shift takeover (check-in).